Jim & Dianna Howard came to Oklahoma City in 1982, called by Rev. Dale Gentry to be principal of the school in the second year of its existence. Since that time they have led Destiny Christian School to grow from around 80 students to over 500 students each year since the early 2000s. They also meet and consult with many Christian schools across the United States, sharing their wisdom and years of experience to help others. Jim Howard is the superintendent of Destiny Christian School and Dianna Howard is the business administrator of the school.
Several years ago, the Howards determined that a team approach to leadership was best to provide a solid foundation of oversight for the growth and expansion of a Christian school. It has proven to be a pivotal structural move, for as other Christian schools are struggling or closing Destiny endures, with an administrative leadership team that shares many years of relationship and experience in Christian education.
Jim Howard - Superintendent (42 years)
Dianna Howard - Business Administrator (42 years)
Pat Watkins - Executive Assistant (37 years)
Lori Hamel - Principal (15 years)
Chris Hamel - Athletic Director/Facilities Director (35 years)
Sharon Grady - Early Childhood/Early Elementary Supervisor (39 years)
Kristal Lewis - Elementary Academic Dean, 3rd/4th Grade (31 years)
Joe Biddle - Secondary Dean of Students, Math, Coaching (13 years)
Tena Holmes - Development Director (21 years)
Shandra Youell - Registrar (8 years)
The faculty and staff is the heart of Destiny Christian School, forming the core that will inspire, nurture and instruct students to meet the challenging years ahead. They are highly trained and qualified individuals determined to instill a love for learning as well as the ability and desire to continue learning in every child.
Jennifer Benson - K3 (6 years)
London Hailey - K4 (2 years)
William French - K5 (6 years)
Lisa Nunes – K5 (21 years)
Lakisha Bruce - 1st Grade (6 years)
Andrea Maturey - 2nd Grade (5 years)
Crystal Plunkett - 2nd Grade (2 years)
Lindsey Strader - 3rd Grade (3 years)
Becky Berns - 4th grade (3 years)
Kim McQueen - 4th Grade (11 Years)
Erica Benson - 5th Grade (13 years)
Michele Hardy - 6th Grade (10 years)
Brooke Page - 6th Grade/Volleyball (1st year)
Barbie Stewart - 7th Grade Sponsor/Math (6 years)
Tym Carpenter - 7th Grade Sponsor/History, Coaching (3 years)
Lori Cunningham - 8th Grade Sponsor/Math (4 years)
Ronnie Vavak – 8th Grade Sponsor, Art, Drama (5 years)
April Owens - 9th Grade Sponsor, Math, English, Academic Facilitator (14 years)
Tyler Griggs – 9th Grade Sponsor/PE (2 years)
Cathy Henning - 10th Grade Sponsor, Bible, Spanish (20 years)
Susanna Griggs - 10th Grade Sponsor, Math (4 years)
Jared Miller – 11th Grade Sponsor, History, Computers (1st year)
Tara Perry - Guitar (8 years)
Joshua Tan - Orchestra/Band/Art (5 years)
Candace Fullmer - Elementary Music, JH & HS Choir (7 years)
Jamin Jones - Coaching (9 years)
Kate Walley - History, Student Council (11 years)
Zachary Low - English (14 years)
Megan Lincoln - English (2 years)
Dianne Thompson - Yearbook, Personal Finance/Economics, Business & Family (3 years)
Shelley Smith - HS Science (5 years)
Tara Carpenter - Library (3 years)
Angie Low - Learning Lab (3 years)
Terri Ogden - Instructional Coach (2 years)
Support Staff
Molly Price - Senior Gate Keeper (25 years)
Lisa Stearman - Receptionist (21 years)
Gussie Miller - Accounts Receivable (19 years)
Tracy Fisher - Payroll/Accounts Payable (11 years)
Sami Kilgore - Fundraising/RenWeb (3 years)
Rachele Quinones - Assistant Athletic Director (5 years)
Bill Jacobs - Security Officer (6 years)
Josh McQueen - IT Manager (3 years)
Saphariah Simpkins - Secondary Office/Cheer Coach (3 years)
Employment Opportunities
Interested in a teaching position at Destiny Christian School? Download the teacher application form and submit it to the school, along with your teaching credentials. We would love to visit with you about future employment.
Mission & Vision
Since the 1960's, parents across America have voiced their desire for an education that will train their children academically and morally. They know there will be a cost, but the dividends will be worth it. The next generation can be different if Christians train their children to follow God.
It was in response to this need that Mid-Del Christian School was established in 1981. The vision of Destiny Christian School is truth-centered education for God-given destiny. We are committed to partnering with parents to train, prepare, and equip young people who will make a difference in their world.
In an environment of strong academics and loving discipline, students will have the best opportunity to prepare for life, whether as a minister, nurse, technician, educator, homemaker, or business person.
We realize the solemn responsibility under God to carry out this vision. We are accountable to God, a higher authority than any man made government. We welcome the opportunity to assist you, the parents, in training the next generation.
Jim Howard, Superintendent
Core Values
Biblical truth– in principle and application – and full devotion to Christ is our central mission. (II Timothy 3:16-17; I Kings 9:4)
Relationships that are based on nurturing and accountability – people matter to God, therefore they matter to us. (Luke 15; Hebrews 10:24-25)
Excellence and professionalism in all we do honors God and inspires people. (Philippians 4:8; Colossians 3:17)
Endurance and durability– we believe in the great value of a Christian education and we are established and rooted – we will be here tomorrow. (Isaiah 54; Philippians 1:6)
Diversity – everyone is a unique gift of God, so we are committed to helping everyone be the very best they can be. (I Corinthians 12; Romans 12:48; Ephesians 4:15-16)